Luris connects academics of Leiden University and Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) with the market and society at large, in order to make the most of their scientific knowledge.
Langegracht 70 | 2312NV Leiden

Valorisation Centre
TU Delft harnesses its technological knowledge for economic and social purposes and ensures that this knowledge is translated into products, services, processes and new businesses. The Valorisation Center of TU Delft assists scientists and supporting staff in bringing innovations to the market. It uses a multi-faceted approach.
Van der Burghweg 1 | 2628CS Delft

Technology Transfer Office
Kennisvalorisatie is het proces van waardecreatie uit kennis, door kennis geschikt en/of beschikbaar te maken voor economische en/of maatschappelijke benutting en te vertalen in concurrerende producten, diensten, processen en nieuwe bedrijvigheid.
Wytemaweg 80 kamer Ee-302 t/m Ee-310 | 3015CN Rotterdam

Maastricht Valorisation Centre
A key role of the modern university is the process of Technology Transfer: making knowledge and research more available and beneficial to society. Brightlands Maastricht Health Campus supports researchers, students and businesses in promoting entrepreneurship, valorisation of knowledge and making high-level knowledge, skills and talent accessible. Brightlands Maastricht Health Campus is a crucial partner of Maastricht University and academic hospital Maastricht (Maastricht UMC+). It is a one-stop-shop for valorisation and technology transfer, hosting a wide range of expertises, facilities and capabilities. Brightlands Maastricht Health Campus facilitates this process for Maastricht University and Maastricht UMC+.
Oxfordlaan 70 | 6229EV Maastricht

Helping researchers make an impact.
Guiding companies and non-profits in collaborations.
Innovation Exchange Amsterdam (IXA) helps drive the transition of academic research and knowledge into ground-breaking innovations and applications that improve lives, transform industries, and create substantial societal and economic impact.

Northern Knowledge
Northern Knowledge is the knowledge transfer office of the University of Groningen (UG), the University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG) and the Hanze University of Applied Sciences (HU) founded in July 2017. Northern Knowledge focusses on strengthening the economic and societal impact of the knowledge institutes in the northern Netherlands. The core business of Northern Knowledge together with the Center for Development and Innovation (CDI) is developing, profiling and coordinating Knowledge Transfer, Industrial Relationship, Business Development, Entrepreneurship, Campus development and facilitating new initiatives.
Zernikelaan 25 | 9747AA Groningen

Research Support Network
The Research Support Network (RSN) is the knowledge network that supports researchers in finding external funding for their research and developing project proposals. There are many sources to fund research, each with their own goals and requirements. Many funding schemes are highly competitive. The RSN has extensive experience with the different funding schemes and can offer specialized support for researchers to maximize their chances of success. It also helps with the specifics that come with cooperating with industry. The RSN is formed by specialists located in the departments and in the Innovation Lab, each with their own specialism and focus.
PO Box 513 | 5600MB Eindhoven

The Department of Valorisation and Technology Transfer of the Radboudumc stimulates this impact on healthcare by initiating and supporting research collaborations via (inter)national research grants, coordination of complex funding projects, scouting and evaluating novel technologies and protecting intellectual property. The department negotiates licenses and research contracts and supports the founding of spin-off companies. Also, for access to research tools and facilities, such as animal models and clinical trials the department is your point of contact.
Postbus 9101 | 6500HB Nijmegen

Knowledge transfer (valorisation)
At Wageningen University & Research we believe that a broad dissemination of results from our research contributes creating added value through novel applications. We also believe that it is essential to boost innovation in society. In The Netherlands, we call this process knowledge valorisation.
Droevendaalsesteeg 4 | 6700HB Wageningen

Knowledge transfer
Climate change, disease control, sustainable energy and changing family relationships are all examples of socially relevant research topics that scientists and scholars in Utrecht focus on. Collaboration takes place on the basis of contract research and within projects and knowledge consortia. A number of researchers have also started their own business.
Yalelaan 40 | 3584CM Utrecht

Het Knowledge Transfer Office (KTO) van de KNAW is opgericht om de KNAW-instituten en individuele KNAW onderzoekers te ondersteunen bij vragen rondom kennisbenutting. Het KTO helpt bij het zoeken van de nodige expertise voor deze kennisbenutting en biedt ondersteuning op het gebied van subsidiewerving.
Kloveniersburgwal 29 | 1011JV Amsterdam

TNO has a knowledge transfer programme specifically for small and medium-sized enterprises (companies and sectors) that allows entrepreneurs to find out about the very latest technology trends, either individually or as a group of companies at the same time.
Stieltjesweg 1 | 2628CK Delft

The Technology Transfer Office (TTO) protects and manages the intellectual property created within the Netherlands Cancer Institute (NKI).
Plesmanlaan 121 | 1066CX Amsterdam

The Knowledge Transfer Office of Novel-T supports researchers of the University of Twente to create business based on the results of their research.
Hengelosestraat 500 | 7521AN Enschede